
Questions about Prozac withdrawal??

I just got home from a vacation so due to the 9 hour time difference I have been very jet lagged. I forgot to take my meds for 4 days. I also made the poor decision of smoking weed last night and when I woke up today all I wanted to do was cry. It feels like I'm going to die inside. I just wanna hug my knees in the corner. I know that weed and SSRI's can cause problems with serotonin and the fact that I haven't been taking my meds. My question is: will I feel better eventually or do I need to tell someone. I'm 16 and I'm just really scared because I've never felt what I'm feeling before.

2014-10-30 10:19:18




You're pretty young to be on an ssri and pretty young to be smoking pot. But if you're going to take an antidepressant you can't miss doses so you need to have a disciplined approach. And anyone who needs an antidepressant probably shouldn't be smoking weed as it tends to reinforce what's inside of us. I'd try to use therapy to get to the bottom of this so you can get off the drugs especially at such a young age.

2014-10-30 10:20:02
