
Male Pattern Baldness with Itchy Scalp

Hi I'm a 23 year old male who is in the beginning stages of male pattern baldness but I am experiencing extreme itchiness where I am seeing hair loss (on the back/middle part of my head). I have seen two doctors and they do not have any answers for me. They just say I am experiencing hair loss and ignore that fact that I am complaining about an itchy scalp. Do you know what this could be? Thank you!

2014-12-01 11:13:44




male pattern baldness usually doesnt start til your 30s i have a sneaking suspicion it could be alopecia areata is the hair falling out in patches like a circle. you will know if see a patch of completely baldness no roots or hairs. go find a dermatologist not a normal physician i notice that some "private" physicians tend to ignore you more.

2014-12-01 11:14:15

malaysia A