
Female Eyebrow Loss

For the past year I've been losing my eyebrows in patches. Patches will grow back but then fall out weeks/moths later. I'm a 38-year-old female healthy and fit. Recent blood work all normal. Thyroids normal. I'm not losing hair anywhere else and my skin has no redness or dryness. It is just my eyebrows that keep falling out. The only thing I could think of was my birth control--I was on the Mirena IUD. But I removed it and ceased all birth control several months ago and the problem persists. All doctors I've visited have been stumped thus my online question. Thank you.

2014-12-01 11:37:54




Hello I have had a similar experience to you though I am not on the pill and haven't been on it close to 10 years now (I am 34). However I have the brow situation plus scaling of the skin under the brows. All bloods are normal. Anyway in my research I came across this site focused on hormone balance. I think I may be PCOS but without classic symptoms. Maybe have a read and see if it sheds some light on your situation. Specifically she mentions a hair shedding scenario following cessation of the pill. She is a naturpath but seems to know her stuff! Good luck

2014-12-01 11:38:28

malaysia A