
Why does hair grow back?

My 10 year old asked me this question and I cannot find the answer. Why does hair grow back after it is cut? We understand that hair on your head if not cut will continue to grow and grow - so it makes sense to us that hair on our heads will grow back after it is cut. However other body hair seems to grow to a predetermined length and then stop (i.e. leg and arm hair underarm and pubic hair eyebrows). So why do these types of body hair grow back after shaving or even after trimming with scissors? How does the body know that the hair is shorter and why does it care? I know this is not a pressing question but I thank you for your time.

2014-12-01 12:02:42




I never did the research nor do I know forsure if this is correct but in health class when I was young I heard that our body's grow hair as a natural way to keep warmth for example our hair grows faster when it's cold I believe it's a natural body instinct and that is also why it slows at different lengths and also people who love it colder climates normally have longer hair "by hair I ment all body hair". Hope this helps

2014-12-01 12:03:27

malaysia A