

Hey I'm a pretty young guy and afraid I might be balding. This worries me a lot especially considering how young I am. One thing worth noting is that my mother has a widow's peak but I'm still not sure.

2014-12-01 03:11:44




Hello The cause of balding needs to be found out. In males it is generally due to male androgenic alopecia. Male pattern baldness is hereditary. Here are some tips which you can take care of your hair. Eat a healthy balanced meal sue mild shampoo and lather gently rub gently with towel to dry your hair. Try and avoid using blow dryers and chemical to your hair. style your hair only after it is dry as wet hair can break easily. If you have an improper diet I suggest you to take multivitamins. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

2014-12-01 03:12:21
