I started Lamictal three weeks ago and am at 200mg. Started Latuda about four days ago at 80 mg. Serequel 100mg to sleep. Doc says I might have BP. Not sure if it's BP or deep depression. How long does it take for these meds to work? I'm on and off and teary and a bit sick. I'm not hopeless anymore but still very scared. Does anyone have advice?
2014-10-30 10:33:50
Honestly I think that you are on a great combination of medicines. I have not taken Latuda before but it is relativiely new. I have been on a lot of meds though and the best I ever did was on Lamictal and Serouel. If anything your dr may bring you up on the Seroquel. Be patient and let the meds work. It took me about 3 weeks on Lamictal and Serouel for it to fully work but it did.
2014-10-30 10:34:23