Malnutrition and Hairloss
Hi I am a student with 20 years of age and I noticed my hair became thinner just after my 3months of being in my on the Job Training.
It all started October last year when I started my On the Job Training as a requirement for school. I weighed 260 pounds then which is too much for my 6'1 frame. I looked bulky then and as the 3 months went by I usually eat only 1 meal a day which is lunch (I seldom eat dinner and I never get to eat breakfast) because of financial constraints. I started noticing my hair getting thinner during December and I just went on with that regime until I finished my OJT. I finished OJT at January and I noticed that I my thinning hair got worse and whenever I showered clumps of hair would be on my hands after applying shampoo to my hair.
I came home at around last week of January weighing 227 and still had problems with my hair. I don't know if it was in genes or malnutrition because I only ate once a day during the whole duration of my On the Job Training and I do not know if it was genes or malnutrition. Before my OJT I had good hair and I was even using Hair wax to style my hair ( I started 4 years ago) and there were no signs of thinning or loosing hair.
I wanted to know what I should do and what I shouldn't do because now these are what I do almost everyday:
- eat 3 meals a day
- work out at the gym and jog at different days of the week
- still use shampoo
- I don't take multi vitamins
- sometimes stay up late
I would appreciate help from your answers and many who had the same problem as me would do too :)
2014-12-03 05:30:08