
Teenage hair loss?

Hi I'm a17 year old female with thick black hair that is falling out badly..everytime I put my fingers through my hair atleast 10-15 fall I can easily say it is more than 100 or 150 hairs a day. I also have bad dandruff. I have been tested for thyroid (I was at a 2.3) ferritin/hemoglobin glucose levels and white blood cells. Everything was fine but my WBC was a 3.8 the normal is 3.9 and up..and I think it was a little low because I was on my 2nd or 3rd day of antibiotics (Flagyl) when I took the blood test. I had bacterial vaginosis for a very long time and have been on Flagyl twice because of it. I'm quite sure I don't have fungus because I see no scaly/red spots on my scalp. My periods are quite regular also. I also experienced 2 weeks of diarrhea randomly in the summer doctor said I could have IBS but he wasn't sure. I just feel very afraid when I see how much hair I am losing and also because people notice how much I shed. My hair was fuller a few years ago but no one else besides myself has noticed the difference. What is wrong with me does anyone have a clue? I am so tired of endlessly looking for an answer I don't know what to do anymore. Is there also any shampoo or vitamin that I could have to help with this? Doctors tell me to come back if I see balding but I don't want to wait till then! I just want to stop shedding...

2014-12-04 11:18:28




I have been experiencing hair breakage too. About 100 hairs a day as well. This just started about a month or so ago. Someone suggested to me that it was because I have been intaking way too much iron (an iron pill plus a daily multi-vitamin). The hair breakage became worse when I started adding extra vitamin C into my diet - which helps absorb iron. Now that I know this I stopped taking the pills. Do you intake too much iron?

2014-12-04 11:18:57
