I had a $200 heroin addiction before doing a voluntary rapid detox in a hospital and then going into a methadone maintanence treatment clinic. I have been steady four years at 110 mg methadone and clean from any other drugs since. I just moved to a different state Florida and previously had all my records sent to a clinic on the pretext they were going to honor my "phase" earned at the prior clinic and give me a month of take home medication. Once I showed up they changed all that and are making me dose on a daily basis. I have to drive three hours every morning to dose and they say it could take years at their clinic to get the earned phase to take home a months' supply. A nurse told me that my transfer should be just like a presc
2014-12-04 03:20:08
Formula's answer is only partially correct. The Harrison Act has was passed 80 or so years ago making it illegal to prescribe narcotics for the prevention of withdrawal or treatment of opiate dependence. In the early 1970s an exception was passed allowing clinics to prescribe methadone under very strict guidelines-- including rules on how the drug is dispensed. In 2000 another exception was granted for the use of buprenorphine (or other schedule III- V medications). But the Harrison act ONLY applies to the use of opiates to treat addiction-- NOT as the prior post suggests to treat ADDICTS. Opiate addicts are just as enti
2014-12-04 03:20:41