Hey there! My bf is diagnosed as schizo driven and been taking his pills regularly. He doesn't have any pill addiction problem however he does have an alcohol problem. He is in denial on this. But when we moved in together with my kids I mafe sure that he quits drinking and him being a nice guy he did however relapses after a few months. We have moved in together for about 9 months now and he has had a relapse about 5 times. I am very protective of my kids and I he is not a violent man or anything I am just very cautious of him drinking. I am not quite sure what will his personality be knowing he is schizo driven when he drinks and misses his pills so whenever he relapses I with my kids leave him. Thanks in advanve for any helpful responses :)
2014-12-04 04:08:05
You are treading dangerous grounds when you get into a relationship with a man who has both an unstable psychiatric condition and alcohol abuse issue. When you add children into that mix no matter how protective you may be as a mother it does not bode well for your relationship. To be on the safe side I would put the interest of your children first and foremost before any relationship with any man especially an unstable one. Hope I am not being too rough but you did ask for my advice. Good luck to you.
2014-12-04 04:08:44