I'm 35 Weeks & 4 day my Due Date Is July. 8 yesterday i got a charge of weed only because i couldn't eat and i can have my baby at anytime now What Should I Do?
2014-12-04 04:12:44
I am not quite sure what your question is about. Did you smoke only that once or have you smoked before? Have you used ant other drugs? If it was only that once it is most likely that your baby will be just fine if you stop all drugs from now on eat healthy stay hydrated with non-caffeinated non-diet drinks (no sugar substitutes except for stevia) and continue with moderate exercise. I do hope that you got careful prenatal care. Every pregnant future mom worries about the outcome of her pregnancy even in the best possible circumstances things can and do go wrong. But there is always hope and grace. Good luck to you.
2014-12-04 04:13:27