I'm 12 weeks and 4 days. Before I found out I was pregnant I was drinking heavily . Up to 12 beers and sometimes drinking.Vvodka and soda probably about. 6 strong mixed drinks. I took a home pregnancy test when I was about 7 weeks none of it seemed real so I continued to drink just not as much. Probably about twice a week. Last Friday I had a birth. Defect. Screening done and the doctor said. The baby seemed fine. I drank about what's4 vodka and soda drinks on Tuesday. What damage have I done? Is my baby going to be mentally ill? I am willing to stop and want to but is there a point now? 12 weeks and 4 days I feel like I severely messed my baby up now that I realize just how harmful alcohol is. I drank so much during crucial development times. dned answers and suggestions I am beyond feeling guilty and worried sick.
2014-12-04 04:17:13
There is a chance that your baby will be OK even though there is an increased risk of fetal alcohol syndrome. Of course if need to stop all drugs from now on eat healthy stay hydrated with non-caffeinated non-diet drinks (no sugar substitutes except for stevia) and continue with moderate exercise. Make sure you get careful prenatal care and be honest with your doctor about your drinking. If you don't trust your OB enough to be honest with them find one that you do trust. Every pregnant future mom worries about the outcome of her pregnancy even in the best possible circumstances things can and do go wrong. But there is always hope and grace. Good luck to you
2014-12-04 04:17:45