
Please read

Although I don't want to recommend another medicine I'm going to suggest that you research Naltrexone Low doses have not only tackled the urges and cravings because you feel horrible they also give the adrenal glands a boost. Please talk to you're Doctor about it I'm not a doctor just in the same boat except I am in severe pain due to head on car accident. YOU CANT BE ON ANY OPIATES FOR AT LEAST 7-10 DAYS. Although I don't want to recommend another medicine I'm going to suggest that you research Naltrexone Low doses have not only tackled the urges and cravings because you feel horrible they also give the adrenal glands a boost. Please talk to you're Doctor about it I'm not a doctor just in the same boat except I am in severe pain due to head on car accident. YOU CANT BE ON ANY OPIATES FOR AT LEAST 7-10 DAYS. IF YOU DO YOU WILL FEEL WITHDRAWS LIKE YOU NEVER FELT BEFORE SOMEONEHOCARED2916

2014-12-04 05:37:50




I agree with you a hundred percent. I am a big believer in post withdrawal long term Naltrexone therapy. We include a two months naltrexone implant as a part of our detox procedure and start patients on a Vivitrol regimen that they can continue with their own doctor without flying back to us. Vivitrol is exactly what you are talking about - an injectable Naltrexone that is slowly release into your system over a one month period. It allows your brain to heal and slowly restructure itself back to its original pristine condition. It will also let your psyche to become used to being sober and clean as a "new normal". I have written several blogs on this exact matter. You can reach them by clicking on my name and then following that to blogs. Anyone getting off of opiates will make a very good decision by getting a Vivitrol shot for at least six months if not much longer.

2014-12-04 05:38:19
