
Looking for insight

Would there be someone here that knows information on the pain medicine Exalgo? Side effects? Toll on the body physically mentally? My husband is taking it due to a back injury. Sadly I don't know the man anymore. Insight please? I'm pretty desperate.

2014-12-05 04:02:48




Meth during pregnancy can be very detrimental to the baby. It can cause a baby to be very small at birth or to be born very premature. It can also cause multiple various birth defects. There is a chance that your baby will be OK. Only of course if you stop all drugs from now on eat healthy stay hydrated with non-caffeinated non-diet drinks (no sugar substitutes except for stevia) and continue with moderate exercise. Make sure you get careful prenatal care and be honest with your doctor about your use. If you don't trust your OB enough to be honest with them find one that you do trust. Every pregnant future mom worries about the outcome of her pregnancy even in the best possible circumstances things can and do go wrong. But there is always hope and grace. Good luck to you. 16:03:04 olive 2014/12/5 16:03:04 Exalgo is a relatively new variation (longer acting delivery version) of an old medication called hydromorphone better known as Dilaudid. Simply put it is a strong opiate that your husband has become physically dependent on. He may be genetically predisposed to becoming addicted or simply has been on it long enough that his body craves it to such a degree that nothing else is as important as the next dose. If his dependency starts affecting his relationship his job performance his other normal social behavior it can be called an addiction. It is impossible to make an addict stop his behavior unless they themselves see it as a problem. By arguing with him you will only hurt yourself. You can tell him about your concern tell him that your are there for him and love him however are unwilling to live with an addict. That may or may not be what you want to do. That is entirely your decision but unless he himself realizes he has a problem no solution will work. I am so sorry to be blunt but we see it at our clinic time and time again. Please take some time to read my blogs that will give you a lot of info on addiction and recovery by clicking my name in blue and than following the blogs. I wish you the best of luck and please keep in touch.

2014-12-05 04:03:36
