
cant quit Please hellp

Hi. I'm 14 weeks Pregnant. This is my Second pregnancey. Iv Been a heavy smoker for about 8 yrs. Aldough smoking didn't effect my First baby I realy want to quit.I have tried absoultly everything even the prescription pills from the Doctor. Nothing seems to work. Any advice?

2014-12-05 04:20:25




You asked this question in the expert forum so your are getting an answer from a physician not peers. Quitting any habit is difficult but this is not the last or least difficult thing you will do as a mother. There are many remedies out there to quit: patches gum Chantix electronic cigs hypnosisetc. But the only thing that makes any difference is person's attitude and unwavering commitment to quitting. The recent studies have shown that the most successful quitters are those that quit cold turkey. Yes cold turkey! Without all the expensive remedies. Bottom line is as I said before you can use any help they want but without you own decision and an absolute commitment to quit none of the tricks will work. You want to eat right and stay away from all unneeded drugs and alcohol while you are pregnant and nursing or mothering young children. Please take good care of yourself and that way you can be sure you are taking the best care of your child!

2014-12-05 04:21:28
