
help ?

Is smoking weed bad for a baby ? Im not smoking but im wondering. - first baby

2014-12-05 04:29:06




You asked this question in the expert forum so your are getting an answer from a physician not peers. Quitting any habit is difficult but this is not the last or least difficult thing you will do as a mother. There are many remedies out there to quit: patches gum Chantix electronic cigs hypnosisetc. But the only thing that makes any difference is person's attitude and unwavering commitment to quitting. The recent studies have shown that the most successful quitters are those that quit cold turkey. Yes cold turkey! Without all the expensive remedies. Bottom line is as I said before you can use any help they want but without you own decision and an absolute commitment to quit none of the tricks will work. You want to eat right and stay away from all unneeded drugs and alcohol while you are pregnant and nursing or mothering young children. Please take good care of yourself and that way you can be sure you are taking the best care of your child! 16:23:36 olive 2014/12/5 16:23:36 Xanax does not interact significantly with cocaine. If a person came to the ER with anxiety from cocaine a Xanax-like medication would likely be given to the person. But I can't really say it is 'safe' to take Xanax after cocaine. The Xanax is not likely to do anything bad assuming you take it in a reasonable therapeutic dose. But cocaine is NEVER a 'safe' medication. People will take cocaine for months or even years without incident and then the next time they use it develop a fatal arrhythmia. The high profile death of Len Bias was an example of that situation and the deaths of Belushi or Chris Farley were similar (they combined cocaine with opioids). The Xanax will reduce the anxiety and agitation caused by cocaine but will do nothing to reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmia. I hope you get to treatment soon 16:27:14 olive 2014/12/5 16:27:14 It is most likely that your baby will be just fine if you stop all drugs from now on eat healthy stay hydrated with non-caffeinated non-diet drinks (no sugar substitutes except for stevia) and continue with moderate exercise. Make sure you get careful prenatal care and be honest with your doctor about your use. If you don't trust your OB enough to be honest with them find one that you do trust. Every pregnant future mom worries about the outcome of her pregnancy even in the best possible circumstances things can and do go wrong. But there is always hope and grace. Good luck to you. 16:29:26 olive 2014/12/5 16:29:26 Not only is the action of smoking itself is detrimental to the health of the baby but we do not know how cannabis intake can affect the developing brain. Some pregnant women have hyperemesis gravidarum a condition that causes excessive nausea and vomiting during early stages of pregnancy. There are other medications that are proven safer during pregnancy that are effective for nausea that your OB can prescribe for you. If you do have this condition and your OB is aware of your issue they will be happy to address it. You want to eat right and stay away from all unneeded drugs and alcohol while you are pregnant and nursing or mothering young children. Please take good care of yourself and that way you can be sure you are taking the best care of your child!

2014-12-05 04:30:21
