I am an addict who recently quit drinking alcohol. This is not a rehab question but I go through delerium tremens. Which I THOUGHT I had almost gotten through (feeling a bit back to normal) I go through them alone (without medical attention) and until now have gotten through mostly unscathed. I have not slept much in days (which usually happens) so it's safe to say my body is exhausted. Anyways last night I had some chest squeezing that led to an anxiety attack. After being calmed down by the significant other I was able to lightly sleep. But again I woke up this time feeling a tingling/ buzzing through all of my insides. From my brain down. It was terrifying. I was able to sleep lightly a little longer but woke up and now I just don't feel normal. My brain is fuzzier I had a bit of tachycardia. Wanted to know if ill ever be back to "me" again. I can't keep making my significant other stay up each night to watch me panic. Though again walking and talking seems fine. My thinking is muggy. And I do t feel quite "here". I don't have insurance I am a 27 year old Caucasian female who weighs 200 lbs. I am 5'5 and a smoker (ill address quitting later) of about a pack a day. (I realize the heart problems) I can't afford a doctor nor the tests it takes for them to figure this out. I thought I was Over the hump. I drank for approximately 7 days straight this time. A bottle a day of whiskey chased by beer. I stopped drinking Saturday evening late. I know the dts can last quite a while but I've never gone through that "tingling trembling buzzing" feeling before and I have had every symptom including what I think was a seizure (body racking temporarily paralyzed) this was not that and it was not painful but scary. Will I ever feel back to "me" or am I stuck In this fog for life?
2014-12-05 04:37:49
Body has an amazing way to heal itself once you stop assaulting it with poisonous substances. The fact that you are smart enough to find your way here to ask this question means that you have quit in time and the damage is not permanent as long as you do not use any more alcohol or other substances in the future. I would suggest that drinking alcohol and withdrawing at home will be dangerous for you and in the future you should be in a hospital to do that. I advice that you join AA and don't drink at all. Best wishes.
2014-12-05 04:38:25