
Searching for help for my wife

My wife has been dealing with various pains over the past 4 years and has been on a whole host of meds. Last run was Oxycontin. Not the first time either I believe. About 2 weeks after her final surgery she was allowed to stop taking the medication. Now I'm fairly certain this was the high dose. It had fluctuated earlier on but most of her pills ended up being the highest dose allowed. Well when told she could give them up she did just that. And it was OK for a very short while. I started to notice irritability. Then she got distant. There was a lot of talk about being confused and couldn't work things or in her head. Mole hills were turning into mountains with her bringing the fury. She started smoking again and heavily at that. And her mother started buying her those cheap gas station energy pills so she could make it through the day cause feeling drained was now an issue. Well she's now latched onto mommy while pushing me away. Not to mentiontrying to stay out of the house as much as possible. It all came to a head on Good Friday where she kicked me out drained then closed or bank account this ended up costing me my job because I couldn't commute. Started calling her family and friends and started making things upcalled my family and friends each heard a different version and continued to attempt to discredit me to whoever would listen. The she started selling all our stuff. A lot of it personal items of mine. And has basically done everything she can to tear me down. Threats claiming to have filed reports more threats not letting me see our kids threats. See the pattern? I guess I really have no questions other than am I right in suspecting this history of medication could cause this? How to help? But if anyone can relate openly and graciously appreciate the insight

2014-12-05 05:00:41




I always feel at a loss when I get question like these because just like you in this situation I feel helpless. There is not much you nor I can do to help someone who is not willing to be helped. Your love will NOT save her. You have to look inside yourself and see if you are willing to stay in this relationship the way it is now not the way you think it may be someday. If you are not get out and tell her why. People get hooked on drugs for many different reasons - childhood trauma depression anxiety. But there are always better ways to deal with those issues. Drugs are always an escape and an excuse. In my clinic we see patients who got hooked on opiates for all sorts of different reasons but it is possible to detox and get their lives together however only when it is the patient's decision and commitment. Without such dedication no treatment will work. I wish you all the luck in the world. You will need emotion strength to get through whatever it is ahead of you. Tell your wife that you are there for her but she needs to work out her issues or they will catch up with her. She will loose job after job and will find a myriad of excuses that have nothing to do with her. It is never the addict's fault ever. The drugs take over what used to be their character and the essence of their being. Ask yourself if you are still living with your wife or what the drugs made her. Impress on her that you want her back but without the excuses and lies. Sometimes it takes facing a loved one telling you the truth sometime it takes losing that loved one to realize what is truly important. I welcome her questions should she have any. She can read my blogs by clicking on my name in blue and taking it from there. Sorry about the tough love.

2014-12-05 05:01:24
