
too much too long and now 2 months pregnant

I had gotten hurt in the year 2000 after many back surgeries and other complications my doctor put me on many different narcotics. Right now I am 2 months pregnant. Scared that i will lose my baby from the withdrawals. What do i do? I been trying to cut them down to avoid it but I don't know what else i can do. Please help me understand this serious Situation. I want my baby top be healthy and ok.

2014-12-05 05:43:21




You are here on the Addiction forum exactly because you know that you are well on the way to becoming addicted to opiates. You also know that if you do not stop now it will be close to impossible to stop later. You need to see a pain specialist. Ask to go through physical therapy. That is usually very helpful for back pain. Epidural steroid shots are very therapeutic and not liking needles is only an excuse to continue to use opiates. 17:36:52 olive 2014/12/5 17:36:52 There are many remedies out there to quit: patches gum Chantix electronic cigs hypnosisetc. But the only thing that makes any difference is person's attitude and unwavering commitment to quitting. The recent studies have shown that the most successful quitters are those that quit cold turkey. Yes cold turkey! Without all the expensive remedies. Bottom line is as I said before you can use any help they want but without you own decision and an absolute commitment to quit none of the tricks will work. olive 2014/12/5 17:38:51 The process your boyfriend has started s not exactly "detox". What it is is called OMT - opiate maintenance therapy. The clinic he went to is substituting one opiate - oxycontin for a longer acting opiate methadone that lacks the ability to give as much of a euphoria as others. However it is just as difficult to quit as any other opiate and most methadone clinics take years and years tapering their patients off of it and are usually not aggressive about it. I have written several blogs addressing this issue. You can reach them by clicking on my name and then "blogs" and look through them. You can also look at my clinic's website by clicking under the clinic's logo for lots of information about what we do and both oxy and methadone addiction and detox. Your boyfriend is lucky to have you in his corner as it is a very tough fight. Good luck to both of you. Please feel free to call our clinic's number if your have any questions. 17:43:53 olive 2014/12/5 17:43:53 You must realize that you are not the only one in this predicament. We get this question on this forum over and over again from wonderful caring women who want to have healthy babies. OBs treat many women in exactly the same situation. They will help you because abrupt withdrawal may well be dangerous for the pregnancy. If you slowly tapered the opiates off your baby probably tapered slowly with you without any problems but you should have done it with your doctor's supervision. If you are unable to taper you might have to be switched to Subutex which is a safer alternative during pregnancy and nursing. The best case scenario is or course for you to taper all pills by your third trimester. That way you can be sure that by the time of the delivery both you and the baby are clean and ready to start healthy bonding and nursing. The OB/midwife will also be there to guide you though good prenatal care healthy nutrition smoking cessation (if necessary) etc.. Good luck to you motherhood is a career full of joys and pain but we all do it for the joy of it... P.S. Please read my blog on Pregnancy and Addiction by clicking on name in blue and then on blogs. Good luck to you and your growing family. You must take care of yourself for your baby. Good luck to you.

2014-12-05 05:45:19
