

Hello i took phentremine 37.5 for about a year and recently stopped i have experienced what i believe are withdrawls: haze dizziness weakness feel like im gnna pass out sometimes how long does this usually last??? On top of tht ive had a bad ear infection that i believe is caused by a wisdom tooth my left side of my face has been swollen off and on do u suggest i pull my wisdom tooth out??

2014-12-08 03:40:17




Coke and other stimulants (or speed) is more psychologically addictive than physically. While the withdrawal in itself may not be dangerous withdrawal symptoms are usual with heavy use and relapse is common. Speed-induced hyperstimulation of pleasure pathways can lead to depression and fatigue months after one stops using. It is possible that daily amino acids L-tyrosine and L-5HTP/tryptophan can help in recovery by making it easier for the body to reverse the depletion of dopamine norepinephrine and serotonin. One should eat healthy stay away from simple sugars and sodas take a multivitamin every day. It is important to take a daily walk or do some form of moderate exercise and stay intellectually occupied. I hope this helped. 15:40:28 olive 2014/12/8 15:40:28 You should be feeling well soon however these symptoms may be caused by the infection in your jaw. You need to see an ENT (ear nose and throat specialist) to make sure you do not have an abscess. I certainly can not judge if you need to have your wisdom tooth out or if this is the cause of the trouble but an underlying infection can be at its root. Feel better and take care.

2014-12-08 03:41:35
