I started at around 8 years of age as an enoccent thing no idea what was coming so when I turned 10 just rubbing didn't work anymore so then came porn I was cought watching my first porn video by my older sister and was not the last time that would happen before I hit 12 I probably got cought 10 time so I stopped for a month and when it came back it just got werse I'm 14 now and I have a flip phone because my dad can't trust me with a real one so if anyone can help me I would be mutch ablidjed.
2014-12-08 04:35:10
I must reassure you that masturbation is normal part of growing up. You should not be embarrassed by it if it is done privately. Humans are sexual creatures by nature and learning about your sexuality it part of your maturation. However everything needs to be kept in perspective: it should not dominate your life it should not affect your schoolwork it should not involve doing things dangerous to your health or emotional well being. You are certainly not old enough to have sex with a partner because that requires a mature loving committed relationship most adults call mariage. Get yourself busy with sports hobbies intellectual pursuits that will keep your hands and mind otherwise occupied most of the day and too tired at night. :) Have a great life.
2014-12-08 04:35:41