I am 32 yrs. old and have been extremely addicted to Norco for 2 years now. I have tried EVERYTHING to quit and have failed every.single.time :'( I have tried the Thomas recipe numerous times I tried suboxone I have tried cold turkey....I don't know what to do. All I know is I have to stop!!! I am dangerously close to losing my family I have already lost 2 jobs due to these horrible pills The last time I tried to quit I went 10 days and there was NO relief....not one day went by that I said to myself "I am starting to feel better". I wanted to go to the hospital so bad I had every symptom you can imagine along with some really scary ones hallucinating hearing things it was so scary and awful I cannot do that again! During those 10 days tho I was out of Sub and also ran out of my Xanax so do you think that withdrawal period was 10x worse due to me coming off Norco sub & Xanax? I do not take Xanax anymore or anything for that matter except the Norco. My doctor dropped me pretty much after I cam clean to him & he prescribed me 15 subs...I have no access to Xanax or subs anymore. If I were to stop taking the Norco now this time around will it be easier because that is the only thing I am withdrawing from? I cannot go thru that again I just wanted to die Please any advice would be so very much appreciated...Please!!! I have never been so desperate in my life I don't know what to do anymore :'(
2014-12-08 04:37:00
You know by now that there is really no easy way of detoxing from home. Realization that you have hit the bottom sometimes makes your determination to get clean more serious and lets you get the the tough points of withdrawals with the help of your commitment. The road up is not easy.
I have dealt with hundreds of addicts who have all told me horror stories of doing it by themselves. I would only guess that if are successful in doing it at home you don't end up in my clinic.
Just in case you are curious it takes us three to four days to detox a patient and get him/her back home drug free and feeling well on Naltrexone therapy (no opiates). I know we help many people get clean and stay clean. You can get to my clinic's website by clicking on my name in blue and then on the clinic's logo. Feel free to call us for more information any time.
At home the basic technique is to take less and less every day by cutting down by about half a pill every one or two days until you are down to nothing. See if your doctor can write you a presc
2014-12-08 04:38:25