I'm on suboxon for about a year I take 24 mgs I found out I'm pregnant I'm so scared I don't know what to do..I talked to my doctor about it and she is telling me to find a subutex doctor I'm having no luck does anyone know if that's OK to take soboxen while pregnant
2014-12-08 04:41:55
It would be best for both you and the baby to be gently tapered off of Suboxone while you are still pregnant so that you are both drug free by the time of the delivery and your baby will not need to go through any withdrawals at all. Even though babies have been safely delivered to mothers taking Suboxone and nursed by those mothers while on Suboxone I still strongly believe that it would be better for both of you to be drug free at the time of delivery. You need to get your OB or midwife involved in this process form the very beginning so that the fetal development can be closely monitored during your gentle taper. If your OB is unfamiliar with taking care of women on Suboxone please find another one who is. Please make sure you have a health provider you can be honest and open with if not find another one. I understand that you may have some discomfort while tapering the Suboxone I you do have to do it gently. The last taper should be titrated slowly down to 0.5mg/day then 0.25mg and if you are still uncomfortable stopping there half of that. Baby will be just fine as you gently withdraw even if you are somewhat uncomfortable. It is possible to have a baby while on Suboxone but is a likelihood that baby may experience withdrawals especially if you do not breastfeed. Withdrawals from Suboxone are very unpleasant and may keep the baby in the NICU and away from your loving arms for many days. I suggest that you read my blog on pregnancy and addiction that talks more about it. Click on my name in blue and than "blogs". Good luck to you and again make sure you discuss all of this with your OB. They must be in the loop on all your medical care. Good luck to both of you.
2014-12-08 04:42:27