

Hi. My husband is weed addict. He says hes not but hes been smoking for years now. He promised he will stop but never does. I dont know how to help him. He reduced the amount but recentally he started to smoke more heavily. He complains about chest pain and he cant concentrae and he forgets things so easily. And he feels so low and very angry when he dont smoke. We expecting out first baby is july and he said he will stop by then but i doubt it. He never gives the reason for taking it but he wittned alot of violence between his parents. Since the age of 15 and he had anger problem but he calm down alot now. Is just the weed hes only 20. And i know how much damage he caused himself already. Can you help me of ways i can help him stop but not get him angry or encourge him to do more. Thank you

2014-12-08 04:51:26




You are very young and in a difficult situation. Your husband is addicted and until he is ready to quit you are quite helpless. You can try to use the baby card but he will use all his excuses - anxiety anger pain etc. to explain to you and himself why it is necessary for him to smoke dope. You need to decide whether this is the right environment for you and your child. If he chooses to quit smoking it is not so very simple but entirely possible. Up until relatively recently there was a general misconception in the medical community that there were no physical withdrawals from cannabis. However now we know that even though those symptoms are not life threatening they do exist. They start usually 24 40 48 hours after cessation of use and last for up to two weeks. Most can be described as depressed mood and appetite and increase in anxiety and sleeplessness. He should try to stay active during the day eat small healthy meals and stay well hydrated. It will get better in a few weeks and he will be so proud of himself for doing this and so grateful to be done with it. Good luck to both of you.

2014-12-08 04:51:55
