
Suboxone / severe anger and depression

Ive been taking 24mg of suboxone and 1mg of clonopin 3× anday for 3months now. This will be the 3rd time ive been on suboxone. Before this time I was on methadone maintenance for around 4 years I was also taking alot of benzos and drinking heavily . Everything had turned to **** as usual . Ill spare everyone the detsils but I switched to the suboxone because I really want to live a normal life but unfortunately I never could quit opiates and the times ive been complaining clean lasted a week or two. My question is since ive been taking suboxone this time ive been so hateful and angry. I cant be around someone for longer than 30 min before I need want to lash out at them ..what the hell is wrong with me?

2014-12-08 05:00:45




Depression mood swings and anxiety are common side effects (among many others) of Suboxone. When you take medications that have a direct effect on your brain you have to expect it to actually have an effect on every aspect of your brain which is in charge of your mood behavior movement speech etc. What you have to understand is that as long as you are on these kind of drugs they are in control of your behaviorand not you.

2014-12-08 05:01:11
