
Getting off methadone switching to suboxone.

Hi i know people aready asked this but i have some different questions that i couldnt find. Anyways i been on methadone for 2 years taking 10 mg a day. Now ive tapered to 5 mg thinking about cutting that to whatever i can cut it down to since its wafer form. Just to help ease my process to SUBOXONE. Would that help and when i switch to suboxone (which ive done b4 whike taking methadone which didnt really put me thru withdrawls right after taking it) would it be better to try and see what 1mg of SUB would do or just take one in the morning and 1mg of SUB b4 i go to sleep? Oh and how long should i take SUB for and when i try to get off of SUB could i just do one dosage every two days for a while and then finally stop. Sorry about all the questions its just im tired of being a slave to my own minds addiction i was so stupid for trying nethadone not really knowing what it was and havent been addicted to anything an im 23 years old. I know what your thinking lol please help me once im off this... no more of anything that will put me thru a livi g hell

2014-12-08 05:13:32

