

what can a person do when they are coming off perks to feel better any natural ways that will help?

2014-12-08 05:22:14




Now you are about to start out in your new opiate free body. So how do you treat it and make it whole again? We at MDS have put together some suggestions for you that may be helpful. You can follow all or some of them. All of these supplements can be found in any good Vitamin store or Whole Foods. Give us a call if you have question as always. Multivitamin with a strong mineral component is absolutely necessary. Vitamins and minerals are cofactors/coenzymes for repair healing and normal function of the body. Vitamin C: 2000-3000 mg per day divided doses Fish oils primrose oil or flax seed oil are necessary for repair and proper function of cellular membranes and have anti-inflammatory properties. These need to be mixed omega 3 omega 6 omega 9 oils—4000 to 6000 mg per day in split doses. They can be purchased as liquids and mixed with your smoothies. S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine— (SAM-e) SAM-e is a necessary cofactor in the production of most neurotransmitters—serotonin dopamine adrenalin and noradrenalin. Should be added to any amino acid therapy directed at rebuilding neurotransmitter production and function at a dose of 500 mg to 800mg twice per day. L-Glutathione is helps in liver detoxification especially from Tylenol containing opiates. Taking 500mg at least 2000-3000 mg per day in split has been recommended however it is unlikely absorbed orally and unless you can find a nebulized form of it or are willing to get an IM shot twice a day it is not worth the money. Do not take GABA as a supplement it is make in the brain and when in the blood stream the molecule is too large to cross the blood brain barrier. Valerian Root 450 mg is an herbal supplement that reduces anxiety and helps one to sleep. Melatonin is a hormone released from the pineal gland in brain at night time that regulates circadian rhythm and helps us fall asleep. It is essential for those coming off opioid and as little as 3 mg has been found to be effective. However research on healthy volunteers using up to 100 mg of melatonin in a single dose shows little side effects. Melatonin is also known as a very strong antioxidant with 1000 times the potency of Vitamin E. Take only at night when you would be going to bed at the regular time. You should have a good sleep hygiene routine: no TV for at least an hour before going to bed take a warm shower have a hot cup of chamomile tea the room must be dark so that the hormone is released in the natural way. Adrenal Support: Research has shown that methadone and drug use in general has profound effects on the adrenal glands. In fact research shows that there is a profound negative effect by opiates on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. This is why those that withdraw from opiates have protracted fatigue and problems with anxiety libido and insomnia. You’ll find these products listed under names such as Adrenal Plus or Adrenplus. The starting dose is around 1000 mg per day in split doses. Milk Thistle with alpha-Lipoic Acid is one combination that I recommend for liver repair and detoxification 1200 to 1500 mg of milk thistle and 400 mg of Lipoic acid per day in split doses. Green tea is good for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties but remember that it contains caffeine and cut down in the afternoon o0r you will have trouble falling asleep. Drink lots of water and make sure to stay away from cokes or sodas because both sugar and sugar substitutes do you absolutely no good. In general stay off candy and other simple carbs such as white sugar and white flour and white rice. Concentrate on fruits vegetables and whole grains. They are loaded with fiber which helps bind and remove toxins from your body which also keeps you regular. As soon as you can you must start exercising. Concentrate on low impact exercise such as yoga tai chi swimming or a simple daily walk. Consider exercise a normal component of good health.

2014-12-08 05:22:56
