Discolored toe after possible bug bite
2014-12-09 03:31:41
Hello Thanks for posting your query. I can understand your concern for your daughter’s symptoms. I have checked the photographs in the profile and the symptoms are suggestive of a scar after some insect or spider bite. In general the blood under the skin which causes the discoloration of bruising should be totally reabsorbed by the body in three weeks or less. In your daughter’s case as the symptoms are persisting for more than 4 weeks so it may be due to formation of hematoma because of blood trapped in tissues. This blood may need to be drained. You should get this possibility evaluated from her doctor because your daughter is also complaining of feeling fluid under the scar. This happens when after an injury or bite blood collects and pools under the skin (hematoma) giving the skin a spongy rubbery lumpy feel. Other than that any deep seated infection should also be ruled out. I agree with the treating doctor that an x-ray of the foot is needed to rule out any fracture of the toe which may also be causing the purple discoloration of the toe. This may occur after an accidental trauma to the toe. Hematomas of the skin and soft tissues are often treated with RICE (rest ice compression elevation). So if a hematoma is confirmed then these can be tried. If there is any deep seated hematoma then it may need drainage. Hope that this information helps and hope that your daughter will get better soon. Wishing her good health.
2014-12-09 03:32:47