Good evening! Today while showering I noticed an odd lump under my skin. It's near the underside of my scrotum on the right side around where my scrotum connects to the perineum. It's about the size of a pea hard tender flesh-colored (I think it was hard to see). I'm a bit concerned by this as it seems to have appeared out of nowhere. I'm overweight and went 1 1/2 days without showering and I've also had problems with infected hair follicles. Any idea what this lump could be? It doesn't seem like something serious like herpes but a lump in the genital area is disconcerting! I have been celibate since January it that makes any difference. What could this be? Herpes? Folliculitis? Cyst? Thanks for your time!
2014-12-09 04:28:14
I think it sounds like a cyst. These are common in the groin. I suggest you ignore it and leave it alone. It might well be reabsorbed by the body in a few weeks. Even if it's not it can almost certainly stay there. You can show it to a doctor next time you go. Take care.
2014-12-09 04:29:13