First some history....
About 4 years ago I caught genital warts from a girl. They were fairly minor and treated successfully with Warticon (Podophyllotoxin). At the same time I decided to have a check-up for herpes as I had noticed a small thin sore which did not seem to be healing properly and would become sore after sex (more like a small crack about 1 cm long just along a fold at the ba
2014-12-10 05:01:01
Doc Thanks for your response. I have subsequently been to see a dermatologist and undergone a full biopsy (ouch!). The results have just come back and it turns out I have been diagnosed with Bowenoid Papulosis. As a rare disorder this is proving difficult to understand - they say is is caused by HPV and is contagious. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on how contagious this might be? Is it the skin disorder (i.e. the lesions) that is infectious or the underlying HPV virus? Can BP exist without HPV? My Doc has used nitrogen to freeze the area - will that cure me? Thanks
2014-12-10 05:03:06