
What's going on?

Has a bruise-like spot on my inner leg for 3 months. Had it biopsied last week and now another bruise-like spot has appeared in the same general area. What might be going on? Going back to the doc tomorrow.

2014-12-11 11:19:31




Hello Thanks for posting your query. I can understand your concern for the spontaneous appearance of bruises on your leg. In general the blood under the skin which causes the discoloration of bruising should be totally reabsorbed by the body in three weeks or less. In your case as the symptoms are persisting for more than three months so it may be due to formation of hematoma because of blood trapped in tissues. This blood may need to be drained. You should get this possibility evaluated from your doctor. This happens when after an injury or bite blood collects and pools under the skin (hematoma) giving the skin a spongy rubbery lumpy feel. Anemia and deficiency of vitamins C K B12 or folic acid are the common causes of easy bruisability.Try taking iron tablets and multivitamins for some days and see if the symptoms improve. It can be due to excessive alcohol intake as well. Excessive alcohol causes inflammation of the liver (hepatitis and cirrhosis) which reduces the production of chemical clotting factors and pletlets especially after chronic alcohol consumption. Due to reduction of liver clotting factors and platelets this would tend to cause easy bruising which is actually bleeding under the skin. So get your liver function tests(SGOTSGPT)done to rule it out. Other than that this needs a comprehensive panel of investigations to rule out other causes of easy bruisability. One needs to look out for SLE bone marrow disorders and aplsatic anemia liver diseases inflammation of a blood vessel or vasculitis or leukemias . Anti-clotting (anti-coagulants) medication like aspirin and blood thinners and antibiotics also can cause increased bruising. I hope you are not taking any of these medicines. Since you are having bruises appearing on your leg lupus and vasculitis are important possibilities which need further investigations. Get these investigated from your doctor. Hope that this information helps and hope that you get better soon. Wishing you good health.

2014-12-11 11:20:59
