The opening at the tip of my penis seems to be irritated. There is no discharge and it does not burn when I go to the restroom. It does seems to be a little puffy and at times a little red. It seems to be the worst when I work out by the way I wear loose boxers. I went to a dermatologist about two weeks ago he said that He didn't see anything to worry about. Is there anything that I can do to make this feel better? medicine different underwear.
2014-12-12 10:19:40
Irritation at the tip of the penis almost never means anything infectious or serious and the fact that a dermatologist looked and saw nothing is even better. My advice: apply 1% hydrocortisone (OTC) twice a day for a week. Drink 3 gallses of water juice or milk per day. Then forget about it. Best.
2014-12-12 10:20:29