
biopsy time

Hi I had a mole removed over ten days. The dermatologist shaved it off my belly. It was almost 6mm and oval with hairs growing in and around it. he said it was a moderate nevus and he was sure it was nothing. But not hearing back makes me think that perhaps they have to do more staining and to see if it is skin cancer.

2014-12-12 10:22:00




Hi! I can understand your concerns since you have not heard from your doctor. To get an answer the best way is to call your doctor’s office. Also usually any moles and lumps that are removed by surgery are sent for biopsy. So ask your doctor regarding this. During biopsy different types of staining are done to look for cancer cells. Usually cancer is suspected if the mole changed in color height size or shape. Cancerous change in a mole is usually in form of a melanoma. Melanomas are usually >6 mm in size with irregular borders asymmetrical in shape and dark in color. A normal mole can also have hair growing from it or around it. This mole’s surface is usually smooth. However hairy mole is more likely to turn into cancer than non-hairy mole. If the mole was oval shaped about 6mm in size had smooth surface and hairs then in all probability it was a benign mole. However please confirm this at your doctor’s office. Good Luck and take care!

2014-12-12 10:22:59

malaysia A