
Upper Butt Rash/Itching and Now Bumps!

Thanks in advance for replying to this follow up based on some new information. I posted titled "Upper Butt Itching" last thursday. (initial encounter June 21 less than 1-2 minutes unprotected vaginal sex 5 min oral (limp)) I have a few changes and follow-up questions please. I had put herpes out of my mind after my last post b/c nothing in my description sounded like Herpes. However on Saturday night/early sunday morning I was sleeping and just HAD to scratch the itching area (itching for 1.5 weeks now). I noticed raised bumps to the touch so I went to have a look again right away. 1 of the pumps looks like a pimple and is red (on my right crack area) The others are Lightly red and smaller but when I pull the skin to look I can tell they are red. All are raised.(on the left crack area). These are closer together but are not actually connected. There is dry skin around them. They are not filled with anything at this point. They are also very itchy. (From encounter to these bumps appearing is now 31 days) and the entire upper crack area is still red and when dry it is white and flaky. All bumps are on the very edge of where the redness area is. Follow-up Questions: 1)Does the addition of these bumps change your opinion that this "doesn't sound anything like herpes"? especially because they itch? 2)I have taken 2 doses of 1 gram azithromiacin 1 7 day course of levequine(sp) 1 10 day course of valtrex and also 1 2gram does of Flagyl. (all just in case from my Dr.). Could this regime possibly cause Candida or any other yeast overgrowth infection especially in this area with this itching? 3) If yes do bumps like mine tend to follow this intense itching/scratching that has lasted 10 days now? 4) If you think these bumps could possibly be herpes would they turn to blisters soon? Would I expect them to hurt instead of itch so much? 5) Lastly since this is my last allowed post in 6 months I wanted to ask proactively. IF these bumps turn to blisters could that still be a possible cause of the yeast overgrowth and NOT herpes? I am traveling to 5 cities in 5 days. Have a hsv=2 blood test scheduled for 6 weeks post encounter but a lot of time until then and want to get your last opinion on these changes. YOUR THE BEST! Thanks

2014-12-12 10:25:48




1)Does the addition of these bumps change your opinion that this "doesn't sound anything like herpes"? especially because they itch? No it doesn't change anything. 2)I have taken 2 doses of 1 gram azithromiacin 1 7 day course of levequine(sp) 1 10 day course of valtrex and also 1 2gram does of Flagyl. (all just in case from my Dr.). Could this regime possibly cause Candida or any other yeast overgrowth infection especially in this area with this itching? Possibly but I doubt it. 3) If yes do bumps like mine tend to follow this intense itching/scratching that has lasted 10 days now? Not applicable. 4) If you think these bumps could possibly be herpes would they turn to blisters soon? Would I expect them to hurt instead of itch so much? I don't think they're herpes. 5) Lastly since this is my last allowed post in 6 months I wanted to ask proactively. IF these bumps turn to blisters could that still be a possible cause of the yeast overgrowth and NOT herpes? They do not sound like herpes. If they blister show the blisters to a doctor for examination and possible culture. Take care.

2014-12-12 10:27:35

malaysia A