The lesion is very flat and nonconscpicous. So the dr had a biopsy of scrotum. suspected to be condyloma. pathology report came back squamous cell papilloma (with acanthosis). the doctor said :" don't worry. it's not condyloma." "it's not infectious"
However when I looked up NZ derm I found it is still wart. it is still caused by HPV which infectious. what is the difference between condyloma and this. Shouldn't I still be worried. Are there any other possible diagnosis beside wart for this desc
2014-12-12 02:28:05
A squamous papilloma is a benign growth. It is not necessarily a wart. Even if was a wart you took care of it and there's not much else to do. There's no way to tell when exposure was even when a bump is definitely a wart. In your case the biopsy casts the diagnosis of wart in considerable doubt since the pathologist did not find the signs that establish the diagnosis of wart. I advise you to follow the suggestion of your doctor and to forget about it. I would further advise against more internet research which is not going to answer any of your questions. I am sure you did nit catch this if you caught anything from the sexual contact you describe. Best.
2014-12-12 02:28:50