I had a sex partner in Aug. who had a deep round puncture looking infected wound on his thigh.He told me it was from a construction nail.I saw him later and it seemed he had another on his wrist area. About 2-3 months ago I discovered a red sore on the back of my upper thigh. Not having shaved my legs for some time I assumed it was an ingrown hair- upon closer inspection and the attempt to remove the scab I found it to be a perfectly round very deep hole of missing flesh. It took a long time to fully scabheal over and scar. The scar is aboutthe diameter of a cigarette-perfectly round. Next there seemed to be an ingrown hair on my lower abdomen- I inspected. squeezed andwas rewarded with yet another less deep but perfectly round dark sore that turned to scar. I recently found a small pinkish white pimplelike bump on my upper thigh-not an ingrown hair-tender to the touch/pressure. It quickly reached the next stage and I now have a perfectly circular deep wound with all surrounding skin sensitive and red. The pattern seems to start with the small tender white bump that I think is a pimple-and try to squeeze but nothing comes out or is an ingrown hair but after picking into one there's no hair at all-then the deep sore loss of tissue and the end result of a dark brown perfect circle scar. I've never experienced this before and it seems like there are a few of the starter white little bumps on both my upper legs. I really believe this was contagious and I contracted from unprotected sex with a casual partner who was most definitely lying to me about his wounds. Does this sound familiar? What should I do next?
2014-12-12 02:31:50
It does not sound to me like any sort of contagious disease. I'm not sure what your partner had--it may have been at least in part from the kind of trauma he claimed--but your spots sound most like inflamed follicles that you are aggravating by picking and squeezing. Needless to say for definitive diagnosis you need to see a doctor. To make the diagnosis more certain you should be sure to leave any lesions entirely alone before you go. Take care.
2014-12-12 02:32:25