I am 38 years old and approx. 2 years ago became afflicted with practically perfect "bulls eye" blisters on the palms of my hands and feet. This was also accompanied by a pretty severe case of conjunctivitis in my right eye and sores inside my mouth and on my gums. My GP doctor was baffled but diligent. He sent me to an eye Dr. who scrubbed my eye and prescribed a steroid. My GP prescribed an anti-inflammatory for my hands and feet but this didn't seem to do much. The blisters never ruptured and eventually sorta dried and could be peeled-off as dead skin. Since this time I have had similar recurrences approx every 3-5 months but never as severe and nothing that affected my eyes. Most recently (currently) have a mild case on my hands a few blisters on my feet sore gums and blurry (some goop) eyes in the morning only. These symptoms followed (by about 1 week) a "3-bumps-turned-blister" sore that occurred on my lip during Christmas vacation & New Years. Occasionally a blister might show-up on the top of my hands and these typically rupture at some point when I accidentally itch the spot. Am I contagious with anything? Any idea what this is? Any treatments available besides time? I have been traveling to Europe Asia (China & Hong Kong mostly) and parts of Latin America for the better part of 10-years for work. I am in pretty good shape and aside from this weird blister thing rarely get sick or colds. One other note: I became very ill with high fever and stomach troubles (gas diarrhea vomit) approximately 2 months before my first "outbreak". I mention this because I've read something about some type of arthritis (?) ailment that followed this pattern. Thanks in advance!
2014-12-12 02:45:05
I think you have erythema multiforme. This condition produces bulls-eye" lesions and can affect mucous membranes like the mouth and eyes. Many cases have no specific cause but some are triggered by recurrent cold sores (herpes). I think you should see a dermatologist (bring photos if the bulls-eyes aren't there). A trial of herpes-suppressing antibiotics like Valtrex may be helpful and save you a lot of discomfort. Best.
2014-12-12 02:45:42