Approximately five months ago I woke up with my left eye being red and irritated. It looked like pink eye without the itchiness and crusty eye. This went on for about a month or so until I decided to treat it with some antibiotics I had laying around the house (my childrens pink eye medicine). I used this medicine for a week or so which didnt clear up the red eye but seemed to keep it at bay. Finally wiht no explanation the red eye went away. About two months ago my right eye began showing the same symptoms. Sometimes it would be clear sometimes flaming red. I tried artificial tears and allery drops to no avail. Finally I tried some of the same antibiotics which has semi cleared it. I tried replacing my makeup etc. Last week I went to an opthamologist who ran all kinds of tests and told me there was nothing wrong but maybe viral conjunctivitis and to keep using the antibiotics until finished. She gave me some samples of products to lubricate my eyes. She said viral conjunctivitis could last for months. My eye today has gone right back to being angry red after a short itching spell. I have no clue what this could be and am getting pretty tired of it. I am a young professional woman who deals with many people on a daily basis and this is quite embarrassing. Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on a cure or treatment?? Thank you.
2014-12-22 03:23:45
There are many potential causes of chronic red eye. Make sure you are not exposing yourself to any allergens. Get treated if you suffer from seasonal allergies. Do not put in over the counter drops that "get the red out" as they often cause rebound redness when withdrawn and go see your ophthalmologist on a day where the redness is present so they could check for other problems such as episcleritis corneal abnormalities etc. HV
2014-12-22 03:50:16