
my astigmatism is getting worse

Hello doctor my astigmatism has incresed in the past four years as in 2006 my prescription was as follows :right eye (-200 axe 15)-350 for left it was (-200 axe 170)-25 and the last prescription that i have just made this year 2010 shows (-275 axe 15)-350 for the right eye and (-250 axe 180) -25 for the left that meabs that my astigmatism increased is that normal? will my astigmatism worse with age ? can it get better with time ? thank you

2014-12-23 10:50:11




You don't provide your age. However I will assume that you are older than 18 years. If so your astigmatism is increasing a little faster than usual for an adult. Possibilities include 1) your previous refractions were inaccurate there is no real change the newer prescriptions are more correct 2) your astigmatism is increasing but you don't have an eye disease causing it to do so 3) you may have a condition such as keratoconus which is a progressive sagging of the cornea that often starts off as rapidly increasing astigmatism. You should be examined by an eye surgeon who can obtain a test called a corneal topography.

2014-12-23 11:06:33
