
contact lents for my 2 years old son

hy my son is having myopia his left eye is -24. his doctor found contact lents for him but only - 20 and too large for his small eye. can someone help me find a manufacturer witch can make the right contact lents?? PLEASE!!! i'm from romania and i'm searching all over the world for the right lents. because his doctor told us that for now is the right solution for my son's eye mypia. NO MATTER THE PRICE!!!!! Thank's :)

2014-12-25 05:34:30




Hi there raluard. I know a company that I can recommend to you however it is located at Missassauga Canada. But you can call their office anytime or you may visit their website at I have experienced the great service of the team when I had to request for an eye evaluation regarding my myopic eye.

2014-12-25 05:35:23
