
What kind of vision will I have after the cataract surgery?

I am 69 years old. I have cataract surgery coming up in less than two weeks. I have chosen to have mini monovision. I am left eye dominant which also has astigmatism so Dr. Says he would use Toric IOL in that eye with 20/25 vision aim for -0.25D. he will set this eye for distance and will do after he does right eye Cataract surgery will be done on Right eye in two weeks with Alcons aspheric IOL SN60WF. He will do this eye with 20/40 vision aiming for -1.25D for near and intermediate vision. I will wear glasses for small prints but otherwise I do not like to wear glasses or contacts and I do not want premium IOLS I would appreciate if the doctors and members of medhelp community will take some time out of their busy holiday schedule to respond to my following questions as soon as possible. 1. What kind of vision should I expect after the cataract surgery? 2. How many weeks apart both eyes are done? What do u do between the two surgeries and do you feel unbalanced? 3. Will my post op. vision give me independence from the glasses to do make up house chores cook cut veges see car dashboard see clock when I get up in the morning grocery shopping? Any other suggestions are very welcome I really thank you all the answers and suggestions

2014-12-25 05:56:28




Monovision is very hard to predict. I usually do it in patients who had monovision. Use contact lens to balance the two eyes between surgeries. 3) Can not predict for most. However for shopping it will be a problem. You will have to get up close to see prices and this is very difficult going down the aisles (personal experience) My preference for patient wanting to decrease dependence on glasses is Crystalens or the Toric version of Crystalens-Trulign.

2014-12-25 05:57:45
