
tiny clear cluster of bumps on eyes

Hi! I've been having an issue with my eyes for the past 4 days. It appears as though I have a small cluster of tiny clear bumps in the whites of both eyes. My eyes were also somewhat blood shot from not getting a lot of sleep the past week and being in pain from a strained neck muscle. The bumps feel like sand in my eyes. It is not affecting my vision. I have Grave's Disease as well but am not experience any other eye problems at this time. I'm using artificial tears since my eyes are somewhat dry. I looked up Conjuctival Cysts and I'm not sure that it is this because there are alot tiny ones by the corner of my eye. It also appears that it has spread to the inner part of my one eyeball as well. Not sure what this could be! I have an opthamologist and I was planning on seeing her next week if things do not clear up on their own.

2014-12-26 10:10:30




Thanks for the response! I looked up pictures of conjunctival cysts and they just seem a lot bigger than what I have. Mine are very tine cluster of blister like clear bumps. I also looked up Phlyctenule which I think can be from a Staph infection or excessive rubbing of the eyes. I am very guilty of rubbing my eyes and need to be more careful. I think that is how it spread into the other eye. I have no ozzing and my eyes are fairly dry. My only symptoms are the bumps and it feels like sand in my eyes. Do you think it could possibly be Ocular Herpes or would I have other symptoms too?

2014-12-26 10:10:59
