
Laser Retinopexy Procedure Aftereffects

What are the normal after-effects of the Laser Retinopexy Procedure and how longer should they last? I had laser retinopexy procedure performed on one eye four weeks ago to correct a "horse-shoe tear" in the retina. I wasn't experienceing any vision problems in this eye prior to the laser retinopexy procedure as the tear was detected during my annual eye exam by an eye physician. It should be noted that this was my "good eye" prior to the procedure as it was rated better in the vision test over the other eye. After the laser retinopexy procedure I have experienced wavy lines at the center of my vision of the repaired eye that won't go away. Also this eye is extremely sensitive to sunlight now so much that I end up getting headaches in the vicinity of the temple adjacent to the laser repaired eye. Furthermore there continues to be a nagging soreness in the laser-repaired eye. Since these symtoms (symptoms) have lasted so long (four weeks) I have become concerned. Are these normal laser retinopexy post-procedure after-effects? If so how much longer will they last? If not what should I do and how soon? By the way my retinal tear was on the edge of the eye. I have often wondered if I might have accidentally moved ever so slightly during the laser retinopexy procedure and that caused the eye physician to accidentally zap the center of my eye with the laser during the procedure. Could this have happened and caused the current problem with my vision? If so can my current vision problem be remedied if it was caused by the laser or would such eye damage be something that I will have to deal with the rest of my life? These are not "floaters" which I also have but these are a series of small adjacent curved lines (almost like a small fingerprint) at the center of my vision of the repaired eye. Thank you very much for you help. As you can read I am very anxious about this and greatly value any feedback.

2014-12-26 10:12:26




We do not give detailed advise on "normal" post operative behavior expecially in such a procedure as you had as each case and each individual is different. You ask good questions but only your surgeon can give your specific answers.

2014-12-26 10:13:01
