
Horrible pain when I move my eyes..

I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I'm 19 years old F and I work in a factory. I have good vision but lately for about half a week my head has been hurting so bad. It started off with my eyes feeling heavy then all of a sudden I woke up one day and noticed that it hurt to move my eyes side to side or up and down even rubbing them hurts. It's been getting worse. I've tried ibuprofen thinking it was a headache and it does nothing. I'm not sure what to do or what's causing it. Any thoughts?

2014-12-26 03:51:01




While there are minor causes of pain like yours I suggest getting to an ophthalmologist about this because there are serious conditions like trochleitis that can also occur.

2014-12-26 03:51:49
