
Why do my eyes feel weird looking at certain objects?

and i also found this on an article about aichmophobia... You are not the only one to suffer from aichmophobia. Most sufferers are surprised to learn that they are far from alone in this surprisingly common although often unspoken phobia.

2014-12-26 04:21:31




Hi Carlos Thanks for the offer; this has had to go on the back-burner for me due to work but I'll get round to it soon. Hi Miguel I hope the phobia thing helps clear it up for you however I have to agree with the others who say that for me at least this isn't a phobia in terms of being scared of corners. I didn't like needles as a kid (who does??) but I've since had a ton of injections and have no issues. But let us know how you get on. Hi RobertB1982 It's interesting that you're another sufferer who has experienced head trauma. It seems disproportionate to me but I'm no statistician. Hi Sharpain interesting stuff thanks I'll have a read.

2014-12-26 04:22:06
