My daughter was 1lb 7oz @ birth. She is now 8 and has managed to outgrow me and her 11 year old sister. My issue with her is that she eats around the clock! There are heart issues that run through her father's side of the family. I encourage her to eat healthy. She loves her ice cream and I have switched it to yogurt. Her doctor has her on a daily stool softener to help regulate her BM. I was informed that she has the potential to be over 6' because of how tall her dad is. Should I be concerned about her growth and eating? My wallet is really suffering right now. Is your child male or female? : Female What is your child's age? : 8 What is your child's height? : 5'1" What is your child's weight (kgs or lbs) : 107
2014-10-30 05:03:03
From your measurements both her weight and height are above average for her age. Height is usually genetic and from what you are saying she is following her father's side. It seems her weight is in portion to her height. You can try to have your family and her eat a Heart Healthy diet which is a moderate fat diet. A moderate fat diet means = using polyunsaturated (omega 3 corn oil nuts etc) fats and monounsaturated (olive oil canola oil peanut oil etc) fats no saturated fats (high fat snack foods butter fat spreads) and no trans fats. Eat low fat meats (chicken fish loin of pork) or non-meat sources (soy products nuts) low fat vegetarian combinations (rice & beans pasta & beans low fat cheese & pasta) low fat and substitute dairy products (1% milk low fat/fat free yogurts low fat soy milk/soy yogurt) use plant oils non trans-fat margarines and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Eat daily high fiber breads and cereals (oatmeal). This help your whole family stay healthy. Hoped this helped you.
2014-10-30 05:03:35