
IOL implant for post RK

As a 70 year old post RK patient I am considering mini monovision with the Tecnis monofocal lens. Recently I learned of the ORA Wavetec system which I was told helps the physician achieve a better placement of the lens and supposedly a more accurate outcome. I don't understand this because I have believed that the physician inserts the lens and that is all there is to it. I did not realize "placement " was involved. Can anyone provide some information about this. Thank you.

2014-12-26 04:28:15




KayakerNC is spot-on with his comments. You may have unusual corneal topography as a result of your RK - that is similar to astigmatism and the ORA Wavetec system will allow the doctor to more precisely visualize the degree of aberration caused by any asymmetry in the cornea and how to place the lens to compensate for as much of that unusual topography as possible. IOLs that compensate for astigmatism have to be placed in a certain position within the capsule where the old lens was removed if they are to work optimally. If I were you I would take the time to try to find a doctor. I was surprised the Wavetec website (for the manufacturer) does not have a 'Find a Physician' link or I missed it if they do. If you Google your location city or region and the words ORA Wavetec you may hit upon a practice advertising their use of the system and you can call to see what IOLs they use. It's a pain that the information is not more centralized but you are doing exactly the right thing in understanding the procedure and options and your specific cornea issues post-RK before having the surgery. Good luck!

2014-12-26 04:28:45
