Hello! I've been having this problem for some time. I don't know what it is.. I suffer of myopia and I'm wearing glasses. However I've have some other issue with my right eye.. Whenever I close my left eye there's some point obstructing the center of my sight. It's just like the blind spot only occuring when the other eye is not there to "cover" for it. It's like a point obstructing only a little part of my sight (it's really not that big) but it's really annoying. I told my ophthalmologist about this when I was reading those letters on the wall but he didn't say anything about that. So I thought it was just my myopia... But not even these glasses can't "save me" from that dot appearing on my right eye's sight. So now I'm afraid it might be something else. So.. to be short.. There's something like a blind spot in the center of my right eye's sight. My glasses aren't helping much in this case. I can hardly read text with only my right eye... Thank you in advance!
2014-12-26 04:30:38
It sounds like you should get an optical coherence tomography (OCT) scan of your right macula. This is a simple 5 minute test that looks at the centre of your retina in very fine detail for things like macular holes neovascular membranes and so on. The doctor should also look very carefully with his ophthalmoscope because sometimes very high myopes get little spots of blood in their maculas. If there is a problem detected generally speaking there are treatments available. Get a second opinion if necessary.
2014-12-26 04:31:01