For seven months I have had redness on my left eye right eye completely unaffected. I was initially diagnosed with an eye infection and blepharitis. Also on my inner lower eyelid of that eye I have a stye. It's small but it's yellow and has not drained. It has existed the entire time. Going back to the initial diagnosis of infection--that having been treated the redness didn't go away. I have been given the gamut of eye drops to make the redness go away.
1. First I was given Pataday eye drops for what was suspected as allergy causing the redness. Didn't work. Redness got worse. Developed another eye infection and was given Tobradex (antibiotic and steroid).
2. Redness went away for a few weeks and then came right back again. I was given Alrex to take for a month. It worked--redness went away so I was told to try Pataday again.
3. Redness was gone for a few weeks came back. I was told that my immune system is in overdrive and that allergies are causing all of this. Still told to take Alrex again do eye washes several times a day eye compresses (for the internal hordeolum) a presc
2014-12-26 04:41:33
Try applying hot compresses as it can relieve the pain and help get rid of infection. Usually a stye heals itself after the application of an antibiotic ointments and eye drops. You also need to keep proper eyelid hygiene. If a stye has been severe it needs to be operated on the lump (lancing) to drain out the pus by a doctor.
2014-12-26 04:42:01