I am doing research into cases of severe eye trauma that leads to enucleation of the eye that is undertaken in an act of criminal abuse. There was a case in 2003 in which a boy named Guo Bin from China had his eye's forcibly removed by a woman with an unknown implement. The boy thankfully is alive and has prosthetic implants that allowed him to regain his sight. The question however I want to ask is with such severe trauma to the eye causing enucleation. What would be the implications? (other than blindness) I would assume that the mortality rate be in such cases would be high? It seems improbable that a child would be alive after such trauma. I am hoping that the research will lead to an awareness of cases in which eyes are being harvested illegally for organ donors. So any help that you can give me would be appreciated.
2014-12-26 05:33:11
Enucleation is a procedure done when all other eye treatments have been performed. Common problems that need this kind of procedure is painful glaucoma severe trauma infection and intraocular malignancy. Complications after the surgery is very rare including bleeding infection scarring persistent swelling pain wound separation and the need for additional surgery. But overall Enucleation surgery was proven to be very safe.
2014-12-26 05:33:44